Médias en Seine 2025


Nikita Roy

Newsroom Robots Lab



Nikita Roy is a data scientist, journalist, and Harvard-recognized AI futurist. She is the founder of Newsroom Robots Labs, an AI training and advisory firm for media organizations incubating at Harvard Innovation Labs. Nikita also hosts the globally acclaimed Newsroom Robots Podcast, which has been ranked among the top technology podcasts in over 30 countries on Apple Podcasts. As a Knight Fellow at the International Center for Journalists, Nikita is spearheading efforts to advance AI literacy across the news industry. She played a pivotal role in launching and leading the AI Journalism Lab at the Craig Newmark Graduate School of Journalism at the City University of New York, a groundbreaking initiative supported by Microsoft. She also serves on the university's AI Advisory Board. A globally recognized keynote speaker, Nikita's expertise and opinions have been featured on BBC, CBC News, Quartz, Yahoo Finance, and Harvard's Nieman Lab. As a leader in AI education, she has conducted workshops and training sessions at world-renowned newsrooms and institutions, including The Economist, The Boston Globe, Harvard University, Stanford University, and the University of Toronto. Nikita is the President of the Canadian Association of Journalists - National Capital Region chapter. An alumna of Harvard University and the University of Toronto, she champions responsible AI adoption in media through strategic advisory, product development, and hands-on workshops.

Ses sessions

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9:30 AM10:30 AM

IA : opportunités et risques pour les médias

Alix de GoldschmidtGroupe M6Directrice Innovation, programmes IA & DataDavid DieudonnéOuest-FranceChargé de projet Intelligence ArtificielleLaurent FrischRadio FranceDirecteur du Numérique et Stratégie de l’InnovationNikita RoyNewsroom Robots LabFondatrice
De la production de contenus automatisés à la personnalisation de l’expérience utilisateur, en passant par les nouveaux modèles de monétisation, l’IA ouvre des opportunités inédites pour les médias. Mais également des défis majeurs : manipulation de l’information, évolution des métiers, éthique éditoriale et dépendance technologique. Quelles sont les initiatives les plus marquantes ? Comment concilier innovation et responsabilité ? Une plongée au cœur des enjeux stratégiques et sociétaux pour façonner l’avenir de l’information.